We are just taking a stab in the dark here but our guess is that you were doing great as 2016 began and now that you are 3 weeks into the New Year your motivation is starting to wane.   If this rings true for you, you are in good company. Let us break down some statistics for you (courtesy of our friends at statisticbrain.com):

  • 45% of Americans report making resolutions each year
  • The #1 resolution this year was: Lose Weight
  • 75% stick with their resolution during the first week of the year
  • 71% make it through 2 weeks
  • 64% make it past the first month

And it goes downhill from there…in fact only 8% of people report that they are successful in reaching their goals and sticking to their resolutions.  That is a really sad statistic!

OCSC wants to help! So we are offering a few tips to help you gain some stick-to-itiveness:

  • First and MOST important – Make your goal SPECIFIC

Our bet is that those who made a resolution to Lose Weight aren’t reaching their goals because the goal was just too broad.  The best way to reach your goals is to make a specific, measurable, goal.  Instead of Lose Weight try these:

  • To get back to my pre-baby weight
  • To lose 20lbs
  • To lose 2 dress sizes
  • Break your goals down into short term & long term goals

Take that broad goal of Losing Weight, make it specific and break it down into stages.  If your long term goal is to lose 20 lbs then give yourself some short term goals along the way.  Some short term goals could be:

  • Join a gym
  • Work out 3xs a week
  • Set an appointment with a personal trainer
  • Lose 5lbs
  • Once you reach a short term goal – set another one that is closer to your long term goal

You’ve lost 5 lbs!  That’s awesome.  Now make it your goal to lose 10!

  • Identify & Celebrate Successes

Reaching a goal is a GREAT motivation to keep moving forward.  Make the most of it by taking stock and figuring out what helped you achieve it!  Did you try a new spin class and loved it so much that you repeated it again the following week?  Then maybe your next goal is to attend 2 spin classes a week!  Whatever it is that helped you, repeat it!  And by all means, take time to celebrate your success!

  • Be Consistent

Study after study shows that results happen when you are consistent.  When you do something frequently, it becomes habitual.  Tell yourself that you are going to get to the gym and run on the treadmill for 30 minutes 3 times a week for 30 days and then do it!

  • Don’t Give Up

Keep at it.  You don’t have to be perfect.  You will want to sleep in and miss your workout when it is cold and wet.  It is OK to miss a work out now and then just don’t let it STOP you.

  • Enlist a Buddy

You need a community.  You need people to encourage you, and to help you reach your goals.  So share your goals with others, this will give you the accountability of a community who knows what your goals are and will encourage you to reach them.  It will give you a friend you can text when your bed is too comfortable to leave who will tell you to get up and get moving!

OCSC wants to help you accomplish your fitness goals!  If your motivation is tapering off, trying something new can be a great way to give it a jump start.  Try a group fitness class that you’ve never tried before, invest in a personal training session or grab a guest pass and bring a friend with you to the gym!  Whatever you do, DON’T QUIT.  Be part of the 8% that achieves their goal this year!  All your friends at OCSC will be cheering you on along the way!