It’s that time of the year where the internet, hair salons, and fitness centers are a buzz on topic of Resolutions!   You’ll hear…

What are your big New Years Resolutions for 2018?

Yet, commonly cited statistics tell us that only 8 percent of people actually keep their New Year’s resolutions.  According to U.S. News, around 80% of resolutions are abandoned by the second week of February.

Well, that’s bleak.

Do you still go forward with the shiny optimism of the New Year, writing goals and promises in crisp new notebooks, promising that this year will be the year you make BIG CHANGES?

Us, too!

Some common NYRs are: get up earlier, be nicer, journal daily, read -fill in the blank #- of books by next year, stop dating jerks, work on your marriage, or save more money. And we must mention the inevitable health-rated resolutions like: eat clean, get fit, lose -fill in the blank #- pounds, and the ever-vague get healthy.

(You know where we’re going with this, right?)

Here at Orange County Sports Club, our New Year’s Resolution is to help

you achieve yours!

No more broken promises! Let’s work together make your goals achievable! You deserve health, fitness, wellness, wholeness. You’ve earned it. Let’s claim it…together!

We have a new program to jump-start your fitness goals for 2018.  We call it Studio X.

Pick five group fitness classes from our assortment of 40+ weekly classes, and for $69, you get your classes on your terms.  Take all five of the same class, or try something new each time or pick from a hat!  Remember it’s…

Your classes! Your terms!

OCSC Trainer Tip –

Want to know the real key to achieving your fitness goals in 2018?  Frequency.  That’s the secret.  The more you show up, the closer you are to a breakthrough!  Frequency is the key to results.  So get yourself to a group fitness class and do it as often as you can!

Group Fitness classes are fun! People just like you and from all walks of life get together with a common goal: to improve their health, elevate their mood, boost their self-esteem, make new friends, and HAVE FUN!! Why not join us? Call and ask for more information on Studio X!

#StudioX@OSCS #YourClassesYourTerms