Did you make New Year’s resolutions?  Many people do!

One of the most common resolutions people state year after year is related to their health.  Better health is a great goal and if it is one of the resolutions you set for yourself, we want to encourage you. Whether your Healthy New Year resolution was to lose weight or get in shape, or simply to be more active… Don’t give up!

Let’s talk some truth for a moment…

Statistically speaking, the odds of actually accomplishing your resolutions are not in your favor.  Study after study reveals that approximately 80% of all people abandon their resolutions by Valentine’s Day.  We don’t want that to happen to you so we are offering our best advice for following through and crushing your goals!

  • You owe it to yourself to keep moving in the direction of your goals.  You deserve better health!  You deserve to carve some time out of your busy life for yourself.  We tend to place a higher priority on the needs of our loved ones but the reality is that if we neglect our health, we won’t have the energy we need to invest in our family.
  • Putting a process in place is an important part of achieving any goal.  People succeed because they plan.  They come up with a process for themselves and they do their best to stick to it.  If you keep doing the work, you will see results.  That means you need to get yourself to the gym as often as you can and keep showing up as consistently as you can.
  • Lulls & setbacks are a part of life; don’t let them derail your process.  Many people who miss a day at the gym or eat the entire bag of chips make the decision that they can’t achieve their goal so they quit all together.  This is A HUGE MISTAKE!!  If you have a setback, that doesn’t mean you have failed.  Any progress is PROGRESS!!  Today is a NEW DAY so refocus and start again.
  • Make it Fun.  Getting healthy doesn’t have to be a chore; it can and should be FUN!  If you think working out is boring, it may be time to try something new.  Why not try a group fitness class like Zumba or maybe get your cardio time in on a totally different piece of equipment?  Or if you have a fitness minded friend, try working out with them!
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for support.  If you just can’t seem to motivate yourself, don’t be afraid to reach out to someone and ask for some help.  Sometimes just sharing your goals with another person gives you the accountability you need to get off the couch and into the gym.
  • Know when to call in the professionals.  If all else fails, you may need to call in the troops and seek some professional help.  Booking some sessions with a personal trainer is a great step in the direction of your fitness goals.  Sitting down with a nutritionist or health coach for some tips on how to change your diet may be just what you need to keep moving forward!

We’ve got an amazing facility with a wide variety of options to help you achieve your goals.  Stop by and take a look around.  Give one of our group fitness classes a try or book a session with a personal trainer and if you need someone to look after your kids, we can help with that, too!

OCSC would love to be a part of your fitness journey!  If you are already a member at OCSC and have never taken advantage our offer of a free introduction with a personal trainer, please give us a call to set something up.  Or you can email us at: personaltraining@orangecountysportsclub.com.

No matter the goal, don’t give up… keep moving toward it!  Even if you have only thought about getting healthy and have yet to take the first step, today is a new day…get to it!