The Role of Antioxidants in Exercise and Disease Prevention

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Choose your food wisely.

Internal Oxidation:  ( “your body is rusting from the inside out” )

The adverse effects of excess free-radical formation have been hypothesized to lead to cancer, atherosclerosis, aging, and even exercise-associated oxidative damage. Free radicals are generated from normal oxidative processes in the body and can damage DNA and RNA and inactivate enzymes and other proteins. Free radicals also facilitate oxidation of fatty acids in cell membranes, producing destructive chain reactions that cause cell damage and cell death. Excess levels of free radicals in plasma and the arterial wall increase low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation, leading to cytotoxicity and enhanced plaque formation.

Recommendations of individual nutrients must be done with caution, but a diet that contains five to seven servings of fruits and vegetable daily is probably the most beneficial prescription. A daily multiple vitamin may also be needed to meet nutritional needs since the benefit outweighs any possible harm. Combinations of supplements may prove to be more beneficial than individual nutrients,especially in preventing cancer.

More Questions?  Contact Kevin Byrket, Certified Health Fitness Specialist- (ACSM) American College of Sports Medicine.
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