Wearable fitness technology delivers data that far exceeds technology that has previously been available in the marketplace.

Here are just a few of the benefits:

  1.  Recovery   
    Few elements of fitness success are as important as exercise recovery. Today’s wearables can measure sleep quality, metrics that provide insight on stress loads to different systems in the body, efficiency of regeneration strategies like soft-tissue management programs and other therapies as well as other important factors that determine what’s going right or wrong in a client’s program.
  2. Accurate Aerobic Fitness Data  
    A cornerstone of baseline fitness, the sub – maximal aerobic test measures a person’s fitness level in a staged assessment protocol of intervals. Typically in two-minute stages. Today’s wearables can provide more accurate numbers that give a clearer picture of your fitness level.
  3.  Individualization
    A growing movement in exercise and nutritional science is individualized programs. These replace the traditional one-size-fits-all fitness routines. Wearables allow members who to bring individualization to the health club setting, even for those in group training programs.
  4.  Safety.
    Training safely is always important. Part of a safe recovery means knowing when you are in a fatigued state or when your vital health markers aren’t where they should be.

For more information about which devise is best suited for your needs or how to get the most out of the Wearable Tech Device you already own, contact Kevin.  He can be reached by calling 845-651-1000 or Kbyrket@orangecountysportsclub.com.